Pros And Cons Of Investing In Business Recycling Programs

Posted on: 5 July 2016

Deciding whether or not to invest in a business recycling program can be challenging because there are many pros and cons to this decision. Here are some things to consider about corporate recycling options.  Environmental Impact Helping to save the environment can be enough of a reason on its own to incorporate a recycling program. Besides cutting down on the amount of garbage in landfills, you can redirect some dollars to buying recyclable products since some of these products can be more energy efficient than their alternatives.
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Things To Consider When Cleaning Up A Trashed Property

Posted on: 28 June 2016

If you have purchased a piece of property that has been trashed, or if you are running a community organization that is cleaning up run-down pieces of property, here are a few things that you should keep in mind while clearing up the property. Safety First When dealing with unknown waste and junk that has been left behind at an abandoned property, you should always prioritize your safety. Wear boots or tennis shoes, so that you do not step on something and injure your feet.
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