Tips For Safe Computer Recycling

Posted on: 1 August 2016

Even in homes where things like plastic, paper and cardboard are regularly recycled, one of the things that many homeowners overlook is the benefit of recycling old computers. Not only can computers be donated to places like local schools and nonprofit organizations, they can also be recycled and broken down for parts. Before you dispose of that computer sitting in the corner, though, you need to take steps to protect your data.
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Making Sure Your Old Car Goes to Good Use: Ideas for You

Posted on: 21 July 2016

When you have an old car that you no longer want to drive, you may wonder what you can or should do with it. There are many different things you can do with your old car. The key is to get to know some of these options and get started in the process of putting the car you no longer drive to good use. Then, you can be sure that you are not being wasteful when you move on to a new vehicle.
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Make Your Business Greener By Recycling

Posted on: 13 July 2016

There are many companies that are now attempting to go green. Going green helps to make a smaller carbon footprint in the world and helps to open the eyes of your employees and customers to the need to do whatever we can to create less refuse in the world. If you want your business to go green, use the guide below to learn a few tips to make the process a bit easier.
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What You Can Do To Keep Pests From Making Your Garbage Their Daily Harvest

Posted on: 12 July 2016

Do you have plans to rent a dumpster? If so, you may or may not have considered that your rental could become a "hangout" or smorgasbord for rodents and other pests. There are a few things that you can do to help minimize pest activity.  Routinely inspect rentals that will be used for an extended amount of time. Perhaps you are renting a dumpster for your business or rental property. This means that you may require ongoing dumpster rental services.
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